1. Panel details

As shown in subject line of your letter.

Select one (Required)

2. Contact details

The email address supplied will be provided to other parties to the hearing to distribute information or expert witness reports.

3. Hearing arrangements

The details provided on this form will be used to prepare the hearing timetable. We make every effort to prepare the timetable based on the availability provided, but it cannot be guaranteed.

You will be allocated up to 10 minutes if no time is specified.

Would you prefer to present your submission in person or online?

4. Expert witnesses

Will you be calling expert witnesses?

If you are calling expert witnesses, you must provide their names and details before the directions hearing.

Privacy collection notice

Read the privacy collection notice before ticking the checkbox below and submitting this form.

Before you submit

  • Ensure all required fields have been completed.
  • If you want to appear at a hearing, please complete this form before the date and time specified in the letter that you recieved.
  • If you have access requirements to participate in this hearing, have questions or need to access a hardcopy version of this form, contact us by email planning.panels@transport.vic.gov.au
  • Only include one email address in the email address field (additional email addresses can be added in the Additional comments field).

Page last updated: 12/03/25