On this page:


  1. Exhibition open

    3 October 2022

  2. Exhibition closed

    14 November 2022

    View submissions at Engage Victoria

  3. Directions hearing

    28 November 2022

  4. Public hearing

    17 January to 8 February 2023

  5. Report submitted

    24 April 2023

  6. Report released

    13 July 2023


The Hattah Lakes North and Belsar-Yungera restoration projects were referred to the Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project Standing Inquiry and Advisory Committee on 28 September 2022.

The Hattah Lakes North floodplain restoration aims to return a more natural flood regime to 1,130 hectares of the Hattah Lakes Floodplains Complex, within Hattah-Kulkyne National Park and Murray-Kulkyne Park.

The Belsar-Yungera floodplain restoration aims to return a more natural flood regime to 2,375 hectares of the Belsar-Yungera Floodplain Complex within the Narcooyia Creek, Bonyaricall Creek and Yungera Creek anabranches of the Murray River.

The works proposed for these projects will include:

  • construction of channels
  • large and small regulators
  • containment structures
  • temporary cofferdams
  • spillways
  • new access tracks and realignments/upgrades to existing access tracks.

The committee is asked to advise the Minister for Planning on potential environmental effects of these projects.

Inquiry and advisory committee members


To read documents about the Environment Effects Statement for this project, see Environment Effects Statement.

Terms of reference

Letter of referral

Completed report

More information

To find out more about the proposed Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project

Lower Murray Water
1800 808 830

For more information about the EES process for Hattah Lakes North and Belsar-Yungera Floodplain Restoration Projects

Impact Assessment Unit
(03) 8392 5475

Accessibility and assistance

Deaf, hearing or speech impaired? Please contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or www.relayservice.gov.au

Page last updated: 01/07/24