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The Flood-related Amendments Standing Advisory Committee was appointed by the Minister for Planning on 1 May 2023.

The committee has been asked to provide advice to the minister, councils and catchment management authorities on specific matters referred to it regarding the implementation of flood studies and any associated draft planning scheme amendments.

The committee will enable quicker and more consistent decisions for the implementation of all future flood-study-related planning scheme amendments.

This initiative complements the Victorian Government's flood-recovery response to the devasting effect of recent floods and assistance to flood-affected communities to begin their recovery.

Standing advisory committee members

Current referrals

There are no current referrals.


Terms of reference

More information

To contact your Department of Transport and Planning metropolitan or regional planning office about a flood-related planning scheme amendment please visit the contact page.

Accessibility and assistance

Deaf, hearing or speech impaired? Please contact the National Relay Service on 133 677 or www.relayservice.gov.au.

Page last updated: 17/02/25