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Position Senior Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor of Arts Applied Science (Planning)
  • Graduate Diploma Arts (Planning)
Key capabilities
  • strategic planning
  • statutory planning
  • regional planning
Membership Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association
Current or former roles
  • state government planner
  • local government planner
  • executive management.

Position Deputy Chief Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
Qualifications Bachelor of Applied Science (Planning)
Key capabilities
  • strategic and statutory planning
  • economics
  • heritage
  • Planning Institute of Australia (Registered Planner and Fellow)
  • Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association
Current or former roles
  • planning consultant
  • State Government planner

Position Chief Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor of Arts Planning
  • Graduate Diploma in Urban Sociology
  • Master of Arts in Research
Key capabilities
  • Strategic and social planning
  • activity centres and retail planning
  • EES inquiries
  • Member Order of Australia
  • Planning Institute of Australia (Honorary Fellow)
  • Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (Life Fellow)
Current or former roles
  • planning consultant
  • Local Government planner
  • tertiary academic

Position Senior Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Master of Arts (Environmental Science)
  • Master of Social Science (Planning and Environment)
Key capabilities
  • strategic planning
  • rural and regional planning
  • environmental and land management planning
  • Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association
  • Planning Institute of Australia
  • Womens Planning Network (Committee member)
Current or former roles
  • planning/environmental consultant
  • Local Government planner
  • not for profit executive officer

Position Senior Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts
Key capabilities
  • Planning and environmental law
  • environmental impact assessment
  • major project approvals
Membership Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (Board member: October 2021-present)
Current or former roles
  • DELWP (Team leader, planning law team)
  • solicitor in private practice (planning, environmental and property law)

Position Senior Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor of Law (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Arts
Key capabilities
  • planning and environmental law
  • Strategic and statutory planning
  • environmental assessment and EES inquiries
  • renewable energy and built form
  • Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association
  • Law Institute of Victoria
Current or former roles
  • practice leader
  • environment and planning
  • Corrs Chambers Westgarth: Principle at Best Hooper Lawyers

Position Senior Panel Member, Planning Panels Victoria
  • Bachelor Town and Regional Planning (Hons)
  • Diploma of Management
  • Diploma of Project Management
Key capabilities
  • strategic and statutory planning
  • heritage and urban design
  • activity centre planning
  • rural and regional planning
  • precinct structure planning
Membership Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (Fellow)
Current or former roles
  • Local government
  • Strategic and statutory planning consultant

Page last updated: 04/06/24