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Recording hearings

Generally our proceedings are not recorded. This approach is taken because:

  • written submissions and expert witness statements provide an adequate written record of the material placed before a panel
  • the panel report provides an adequate written record of the panel’s processes and deliberations to make findings and recommendations
  • it seeks to encourage public participation.

In exceptional cases, the Chair may direct that the hearing be recorded. A party who seeks to have the proceedings recorded must make a request to the panel before the hearing begins.

The panel will typically apply conditions regarding the use of recordings, such as:

  • a copy will be retained by the panel
  • the recording can be copied
  • the recording is not to be broadcast or directly quoted in the media, including any website, without the Chair’s written permission
  • any transcript of the recording can only be made with the consent of the Chair and is to be at the cost of the party undertaking the transcript
  • transcribing must be undertaken by an approved transcription service
  • a copy of the transcript is to be made available to the panel and to any other party requesting it at no cost.


Parties to a hearing who have been recorded may, at their own cost, arrange to be supplied with a transcript of the proceeding.

To request a transcript:

  • arrange and pay for a transcript directly with an approved transcript service
  • make a written request to the panel including the name of the transcript service who will transcribe the proceeding
  • our team will contact the transcript service to arrange collection and return of the recordings.

The Chair will direct the transcript service to either:

  • provide an unrevised copy of the transcript marked ’Unrevised’ direct to the party and the panel
  • provide a draft copy of the transcript to the panel who will check its accuracy and then have the transcription service send the revised transcript to the party.

If another party requests a copy of the transcript later, the party will be asked to deal directly with the transcript service, who usually charges a copying fee for this service.

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Page last updated: 01/07/24